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Keeping Identities Safe

Sorry for the delay in getting this week's podcast up, but I think it will be worth the wait, since we have a great interview on identity theft and what companies should be doing to keep their customers from becoming victims. Everything we're seeing in research terms shows that identity theft is a huge issue for customers, and that they're in the process of making it a huge issue for companies that do business on the Internet. Neal Creighton, CEO of GeoTrust, is the subject of this week's interview--take a listen here.

If you you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, look over to the left, you'll find the link to subscribe to the Security Channel podcast. The folks who work behind the scenes here at have done a super job making it possible for me to podcast, and I hope that you can take advantage of all their hard work.

The music in this podcast is "Polymorphic Journey" from the album Secret Journey by NumberSix. They're an Internet-savvy group, and you can find their album here. Give them a listen.