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It's a Mal, Mal World

Life used to be so simple. The golden days when a simple virus was all you had to worry about seem almost idyllic compared to the mean electronic streets that we walk today. I recently spoke with Shane Coursen, a senior technology consultant at Kaspersky Labs, about the once and future world of malware. You can hear the podcast here.

Thanks to everyone who sent in ideas for an end-of-year show. As you can tell, I missed the deadline for that, but I'll wrap the ideas into a review and prediction show in the near future. Don't let my somewhat overloaded schedule keep you from sending in ideas, though--there have been some great conversations resulting from notes listeners have sent in.

If you you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, look over to the left, you'll find the link to subscribe to the Security Channel podcast. In addition, I'd like to ask a favor. Take a minute to drop me a note at [email protected], and let me know what you'd like to hear in future podcasts. A podcast can be short or long, serious or amusing, hands-on or quite strategic. Let me know what you'd like to listen to, and we'll do our best to make it happen.

The music in this podcast is "Anubis Claws" from the album Aeonblue by subatomicglue. They release their music under a Creative Commons license--if you like the sound, head over to their web site and check out the rest of their music.