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The IT Agenda: Desktop Lockdown Limits: Page 2 of 3

Middle Ground

Instead of locking down every desktop, consider educating business managers on how to selectively provide their people with the right computer tools--and on the bottom-line consequences of misused freedom.

At a previous job, we offered three stock "profiles" to managers. For most managers, this was enough. For others, we custom-built profiles--it was a large enough organization that one size couldn't fit all. We took care to explain all the things, bad and good, that could happen by applying the profiles to users before managers made choices. We discouraged local administration but allowed it when necessary.

Naysayers and lockdown fanatics will argue that any local administration is a disaster. It can be. But these same folks tend to forget that network security is a risk-management exercise, and by educating managers, you will drastically cut down local administration (and thus risk) while giving your people the tools they need to excel at their jobs. And that's your job.

Jonathan Feldman is director of professional services for Entre Solutions, an infrastructure consulting company based in Savannah, Ga. Write to him at [email protected].