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For the first time in 239 days we had to reboot IPCop. :-( I know it's sad, but sometime yesterday the poor little box that could stopped responding to requests and just couldn't take the traffic anymore.
But a quick reboot and all is well again. We'll see if that little workhorse can't last 240 days this time.
What's new, you ask? Well we'll be revisiting Web Services platforms again this summer and this time, we plan on keeping the winner and offering the ability to purchase our widgets via Web Services.

If you're interested in some nice clients that are pretty darn easy to use for checking out Web Services, check out:
CapeClear WebServices Tester (Java)
.NET WebServices Studio (.NET)

Both work with .NET and J2EE Web Services, but the former is a Java application and the latter a .NET application and it's always nice to have both to test interoperability. I've been using both as of late and am happy to say that both appear to work pretty darn well.