a one-for-one basis, enabling greater flexibility and lowering costs.
Monitor performance of the replication strategy.
Test the replication strategy without disrupting normal application or storage operations.
Secure data during the replication process and after failover of application access to the replicated data set.
Scale readily in response to increases or decreases in the volume of data to be replicated.
Cull from replicated data duplicate and/or noncritical data, as well as data or files containing virus signatures or other malicious software code.
Automate techniques for optimizing data transfers across WAN interconnects of varying bandwidth and for optimizing WAN interconnects for best possible cost efficiency.
Vital Stats
Darwin's operates 150 minimarts, some of them not so mini, and 10 SuperGigantic stores. Smaller minimarts use VPN connections over the Internet or direct dial-up modem connections to transfer data to HQ. Larger marts and the SuperGigantic locations have dedicated high-bandwidth connections, plus VPNs as a backup.
All storefronts have centralized servers with NAS arrays for storage. NAS platforms in minimarts have a capacity of about 0.5 TB; in the SuperGigantic sites, capacity is about 1 TB.
Change data is transferred nightly. On weekdays, about 750 GB of data is transferred; on weekends, about 1.5 TB of data passes between the stores and headquarters. There is no data backup in individual stores.