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Disaster Recovery Planning: Page 12 of 13

Most (47 percent) reported a data delta--the difference between the time it takes to retrieve original data and the time required to access copied data--of more than six hours. Twenty-five percent estimated a one- to six-hour difference, 10 percent boasted a delta measured in minutes, and a lucky few--5 percent--claimed a delta of less than 60 seconds.

Forty-seven percent claimed they would cope with their data delta by rekeying data or re-entering transactions as part of their recovery, while 15 percent claimed that their solution was bulletproof and would require no extraneous data reconstruction. Some 12 percent claimed they would move forward without replacing lost data, and nearly the same number said they had no idea how they would replace lost data. We like honesty.

Confidence in the recovery system is a litmus test of plan solvency. Only 33 percent reported being very confident about their data-protection strategy. Fifty-four percent said they were somewhat confident, and nearly 4 percent indicated that their résumés were up-to-date and stored safely off-site.

We created a scenario where a fictitious supermarket company was looking to improve their data management and protection, as well as improve their situation during any data loss disasters.

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