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Click A Kitty

Do your eyes go all kaflooky when the site you're on pops up with one of those scrambled text signups? You know -- the ones where a string of letters or numbers appear up against a weird background that makes it hard to read? The problem with these security measures are that some vision-impaired users cannot always make out the characters. Plus, they're not as secure as some people think -- the right batch of malicious code can slip right past them.
Oli over at has come up with an interesting alternative. His idea is to present the user several images of cute, fuzzy baby animals. KittenAuth as its been christened then asks the user to simply click on the picture of the kittens. That's it. The pics are large enough for folks with vision issues to see, and the nasty little bots have trouble breaking through.

Visit Oli's site, check it out. Tell him KittenAuth is the Cat's Meow! (You may now line up to slap me upside the head).