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Cisco Confirms Source Code Theft, Downplays Threat: Page 3 of 4

Other solution providers agreed.

"The [code] that has been posted is for IPv6, which nobody uses. If they have more stuff than that, there is some concern that that could open Cisco's gear up to exploit, although given the multilayered approach to security, people are skeptical that much would come of it," said Pat Scheckel, Cisco practice director at Berbee Information Networks, a solution provider based in Madison, Wis.

Others said they are confident Cisco would move quickly to patch any vulnerabilities exposed by the theft.

"Obviously there are security implications if the source code gets out, but Cisco is a company that would take steps to mitigate any risks," said Mark Theoharous, CEO and founder of Burwood Group, a solution provider based in Chicago.

Solution providers were more concerned about the possibility that Cisco's competitors could get a peek into the secret underpinnings of the company's technology.