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Bill Gates -- King of the SPAMMED?

If you think about this one, it's almost a forgone conclusion: Bill Gates, quite possibly the most recognizable face in the IT industry, is also the most SPAMMED person in the entire world.

Bill's buddy, Steve Ballmer, told folks at their company's Government Leader's forum that on an average day, Mr. Gates gets a whopping 4 Million emails -- the bulk of them being SPAM.

Fortunately for Bill, he has his very own crackerjack team whose sole purpose is to cut the email wheat from the chaff, preventing all but the very important emails from reaching that all-important inbox.

One cannot help but wonder what actually makes it into Bill's inbox. Of course, one can't help but wonder if the occasional SPAM does make it through. Do you think Bill would help out the Nigerian Minister who needs help hiding his millions here in America?