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Back from the Desert

Boy, it's been a busy couple of weeks, with travel (NetSec in Scottsdale was a killer conference at a great resort), getting ready for a huge test (fixed wireless networking), and several smaller tests in progress. Oh, yeah, we (CMP, that is) also started a daily video project that I'm contributing to. If you haven't seen The News Show, you should really check it out.

Now on to this edition of the blog and podcast. I had a chance to sit down with Rich Baich, CISO of ChoicePoint, and talk about what it takes to succeed as a CISO in today's environment. He's obviously put a lot of thought into the question, and his answers are a good starting point for anyone on the verge of adding a "C" level title to their security portfolio. You can grab the podcast here and, as always, let me know what you think.